With online faxing and eSignature, you can conveniently and securely manage and track all of your documentation. And the best part? it's all in one place, accessible from anywhere.
We get it, physical faxing, signature collection, and tracking are a hassle. Keeping tabs on these tasks steals your time and capacity to focus on the big picture. We’ve simplified the process for you and your clients by keeping it straightforward and completely online.
Handle the entire documentation process from the convenience of your computer or phone. Get real time updates on document status and completion.
All of your documents are stored securely in the cloud, so you can work with peace of mind.
Improve ease-of-use and convenience for your clients and team with document templates and easy-to-follow guides.
Christopher Schulenberg
Insurance Brokers of Minnesota
Make your business faster, more accessible, and modern with electronic signature capabilities
Give your clients the innovative, convenient experience they have come to expect.
Empower your team to quickly manage agreements so they can focus on delighting customers and growing your book.
Get end-to-end visibility into your agreements, monitoring their progress every step of the way.
We know agencies fax… a lot! Thankfully, Bridge makes faxing smarter and easier than ever.
As long as you are connected to the internet, you are able to send and receive faxes with Bridge.
Use your agency number or choose a dedicated number and start faxing right away!
Save money on paper, toner, and machine maintenance costs.
Every touchpoint in one place. Text, video, chat, phone + more!
Paperless agreements made easy. Fast, secure, all online.
The industry leading phone system that supercharges agents and brokers with easy-to-use tools.
Enterprise-level solutions for large agents & Brokers