Quick, actionable insights to maximize your agency communications

Automate your agency communications and marketing reporting so you can focus on delighting customers and growing your business.

Take the guesswork out of your insurance agency. Leverage automatically collected data to help you plan and adapt, maximizing growth and efficiency.

No more wasting time tracking down and interpreting data from multiple platforms. Get it all in one place with simple insight that’s easy to action. 

Stay Ahead

Tackle problems before they happen with forecasts and trend reports. Get visibility into CSRs, customer volumes, and more.

Boost Your Team

See individualized CSR reports that show efficiency and closing ratios so you can celebrate your high achievers and help those falling behind see where the disconnect is.

Integrate Easily

One-click integration into your Agency Management System means you can have confidence you are getting the full picture.

(With Bridge), we've experienced significant growth, doubling our production this year alone without adding staff. This efficiency has led to a remarkable 50% increase in sales and a 30% rise in revenue, even during a challenging market.

Oliver Connor
Connor Insurance Agency

See how Connor Insurance modernized its marketing and boosted efficiency
Increase in Sales
Rise in Revenue

Know where you are, and where you’re going so you can take action with confidence.

pipeline view profile
Production Summary

Are you on track to meet your goals? This report lets you know exactly where you’re at and what needs to be done to make each month a success.

pipeline view profile
Connected Reports

Get all of your prospect and customer reports in one place. Analyze how your marketing, retention, and up-sell efforts are performing all in one hub.
See Integrations

Get started

Give your team an unfair advantage

Leverage actionable insights on performance and efficiency, growing your team's capabilities and pleasing your customers.

pipeline view profile
CSR Activity

With Bridge’s CSR ticket system you can know exactly how productive your CSRs are and confirm that the important work is getting done.

individual lead profile
Call Analytics

What are your peak hours, CSR efficiency, customer call rates? Get answers so you can efficiently manage your team and marketing plans

individual lead profile
Renewal Reports

Never miss a renewal again. See where customers are in their policy’s  lifecycle and use AI triggers so you stay top-of-mind.

Get started

Ensure your marketing efforts are making an impact

With analytics that automatically integrate with Bridge’s Marketing Automation tools, you know exactly how successful your campaigns are and get tips on how to improve.

pipeline view profile
Multi-Channel Insights

Set up your email, SMS, and phone campaigns and see how they perform, with clear visibility into click-through rate, call time, lead production, and more.

pipeline view profile
Lead Tracking

Which channels perform best? How effective are your CSRs at closing the deal? Get answers across your agency’s full communications ecosystem.

individual lead profile
Video Messaging

Easily record any type of video and send a link so that nothing gets lost in translation.

Customer reviews

Don’t take our word, take theirs

One of the most impressive parts of working with Bridge is access to the people who actually have the ability to get things done. Problem presented, problem solved.  A rarity in this day of sometimes iffy customer service at many companies.

John S.

Wow.’ Talk about one-step-ahead technology. Folks, you need to try this system. It’s doing business the way of the future.

Ray, RLI Agency

Bridge has been great for our agency. I have always been reluctant to changes, but this one was very smooth and easy. If someone needs help, they are eager to help.
I highly recommend Bridge.

Rafael P.

(Bridge's) integration with my management system is awesome. It reduces what I must do by 25%

Christopher S.

Bridge has been an integral partner for us in improving our workflow, customer experience, and driving ROI. We love working with their teams, and have awesome experiences with customer support... Highly recommend Bridge as a strategic business partner.

Christopher S.

"We love Bridge and being able to dial customers right out of EPIC."

Mark D.

"If it wasn't for Bridge we would not be healthy and happy in business. Bridge was there when our agency needed it most."

Cristina, Cobos Insurance Center

"Other systems come through the door every week trying to get me to switch and I say 'don't even bother!'"

Kae, Baty Worldwide

"The support team is fantastic, always works towards finding a solution and follows up if an issue is more involved.  Thanks for being awesome!"

Anna S.

"Bridge was extremely helpful assisting me with our shared calendars in the HawkSoft system.  They were knowledgeable, efficient, and friendly.  Thanks so much, Bridge!!!!"

Gina N.

The integration alone is worth its weight in gold!

Oliver, Conner Insurance Agency

One of the most impressive parts of working with Bridge is access to the people who actually have the ability to get things done. Problem presented, problem solved.  A rarity in this day of sometimes iffy customer service at many companies.

John S.

Wow.’ Talk about one-step-ahead technology. Folks, you need to try this system. It’s doing business the way of the future.

Ray, RLI Agency

Simplify your agency's marketing and communication